
Anxiety Mind Spirit Body Therapy Centre
Paul Smith Clinical Hypnotherapist Sydney

Hypnosis For Anxiety

Currently, hypnosis is not just seen as a party trick anymore; it now has several use cases in the modern world. It has now become an alternative treatment for a number of anxiety and stress-related

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Mind Postnatal depression Spirit Body Therapy Centre
Paul Smith Clinical Hypnotherapist Sydney

What Is Postnatal Depression?

Postnatal depression is one of the most common forms of depression, postnatal depression tends to affect parents a couple of weeks after childbirth. While most people may think that postnatal depression occurs only in women,

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PSYCH-K muscle testing - Mind Spirit Body
Paul Smith Clinical Hypnotherapist Sydney


The Core Ideas of PSYCH-K®️ Consciousness: Although no one can claim for sure what it is, I see it as space in between two thoughts, where we can experience the Life we understand, along with

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Abreaction - Mind Spirit Body Therapy Centre
Paul Smith Clinical Hypnotherapist Sydney

What is an Abreaction

An abreaction is the emotional, unconscious reaction that you have in reaction to a stimulus that revives an excruciating situation you have experienced prior to. It may be an occasion that you remember, or it

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Regression therapy - Mind Spirit Body Therapy Centre
Paul Smith Clinical Hypnotherapist Sydney

Regression Therapy

Do you ever get the sensation that there’s something in your past that’s holding you back from living the method you want? Something you cannot bear in mind yet that you profoundly really feel is

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hypnobirthing Mind Spirit Body Therapy Centre
Paul Smith Clinical Hypnotherapist Sydney

HypnoBirthing – Creating a calm birth

Having a baby using Hypnobirthing is just one of life’s greatest delights, and also the ability to develop, nurture, and even at some point birth, a new human being is absolutely nothing short of a

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