Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a form of mental health condition which is usually triggered by terrible life experiences. Sometimes a person doesn’t have to experience it; it can be caused by witnessing events as well. The main symptoms surrounding PTSD includes constant nightmares, flashbacks, and severe anxiety. It can also affect a person’s thoughts and draw them back to the event.

Many people go through a lot of life-changing and traumatic effect, and this makes them have difficulty in coping Abd adjusting to situations. However, over time things begin to get better but if symptoms last for a more extended period, such as months or even years, and it seems to be taking a toll on the way you live your life and function as a person, then you most like have PTSD.
There are many effective treatments for PTSD, and once you notice the symptoms, it is best to seek help. The symptoms of PTSD include:

Symptoms Of PTSD

PTSD symptoms usually start within a month of after a traumatic effect has happened. In some cases, it comes years after the incident has occurred. These symptoms can affect both social and personal relations and affect a person’s ability to go out and have fun.

The four common groups of PTSD symptoms are:
• Intrusive memories
• Adverse changes in thinking and mood
• Avoidance
• Change in both physical and emotional reactions.

What are The Causes of PTSD?

Any form of traumatic experience can cause PTSD, and they can include :

• Sexual assault
• Mugging
• Serious road accident
• Robbery
• Serious health problems
• Childbirth experiences
In general, PTSD tends to develop at different times for different people but usually after a disturbing event has happened to them, or they have witnessed it.

On an estimate, PTSD is recorded to affect at least 1 in every three people who have had a traumatic experience. There is no known reason why it affects some people but doesn’t affect the rest.

What Is Complex PTSD?

Complex PTSD is a diagnosis for people who have gone through traumatic experiences such as abuse it violence continuously. It can have the same symptoms as PTSD and might not be visible till years after such an incident has occurred.
Complex PTSD has more effect on a child’s development and can affect it negatively.
When Is It Right To Seek Medical Advice?
When a terrible event happens to a person, it is only normal for them to be upset and have regrettable and confusing thoughts. However, after a few weeks, if it persists, it is best to see your GP.

How is PTSD treated?

The good news is that PTSD can be treated successfully with Hypnotherapy, NLP or PSYCH-k. No matter how long It has taken to develop. However, treatment success depends on the nature and severity of the case as well as the symptoms.

The most common forms of treatment for PTSD include:
• Use of antidepressants such as mirtazapine or paroxetine
• Watchful waiting: this is the monitoring of a person to check if they can improve without the use of treatments.
• Therapy: these therapies include Hypnosis, NLP (neuro-linguistic programmings) and PSYCH-k and sometimes might include the use of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EDMR)

With these treatments and many more, PTSD can be dealt with successfully. If you or anyone you know is suffering from PTSD please contact us to see if we can help.

PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder - Mind Spirit Body Therapy Centre

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a form of mental health condition which is usually triggered by terrible life experiences. Sometimes a person doesn’t have to experience it; it can be caused by witnessing events as

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Mind Spirit Body Therapy Centre

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